Thursday, September 8, 2011

Track Checker: Timbo King "High Ranking"


So when I see a song called High Ranking by anyone affiliated with the Wu-Tang Clan I have certain expectations: military stuff, kung-fu stuff, being really serious, possibly some weird religious stuff, you know what I mean. Well, this is not that, in fact it's none of those things but it's still good. Timbo King is a vetereran MC who holds it down in the underground despite his family relationship to Flava Flav (!). You would probably know him best from the Royal Fam, but he definately makes the rounds (and Royal Fam hasn't done anything for years). Anyway, this song is from his solo album "From Babylon to T1mbuk2" and the song is mad decent.  But now for the surprise, watch the video:

Surprise! I think we'll all agree that this is a very surprising video. Mainly because what the hell is going on and I don't mean that in a bad way. This is a good video. Timbo King does realize that he is a Wu affiliate right? We have certain expectaions (listed above + be extra somber) and I'm glad to see something different that doesn't make me cringe (remember that Killarmy video where they were basically at a Taliban training camp?). Yee. So, what do I mean? I don't know. Sometimes I get sick of all the nonsense posturing and posing in videos (and songs) and I just like to see MCs doing a good job and enjoying what they do. You know, like the old Beastie Boys videos and Biz Markie songs...and even ODB stuff. These guys look like they like being MCs and have a sense of humor too. Good Job. Plus they are good at rapping. Great job. We could use a few more Timbo Kings and R.A. the Rugged Mans. But not everyone should try being lighthearted...we need a mix, so some people do one thing and some other people do another. Variety. Mix it up.

High Ranking Score 8/10

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