Tuesday, October 30, 2012

We Got Something New! Krispy Kreme and Money Maker Mike "Halloween"

It's Halloween! Do some tricks. Get some treats. Get Yours. Word. Well, it's not actually Halloween, TOMORROW is the big day, but we already have a fucking Hillside Scramblers / U-God review scheduled for that day since it's a Wednesday. #tradition. So we had to post this today.

Anyway, so what are you going as? A scary vampire? That guy from "Saw"? A headless horse, man? Santa? Good luck. Be safe out there. Have fun.

Me? I'm dressing as the Notorious B.I.G.! The ladies will love that!

Now, let's talk about this song that came out like two weeks ago but I put it on hold until the big day. Here it is....

WHOA! James, I know you're an evil guy and all, but please don't dance with knives! I doubt you have health insurance and our medical system is overburdened or some shit.

That song was good! Nicely done. Again and again. For a guy who's clearly jacking around, his lyrics are strangely good...

Forget the candy Mike, go and grab your stinkin’ bike

Plus we got a bunch of candy I don’t even really like

Mike, he’s got a stinkin’ knife, we’re about to loose our life

Pedal Mike, Pedal Mike! PEDAL MIKE! With all your might.
Krispy Kreme, keep doing ya thang. 

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